About Me
I am Fiona Rew a Glasgow based artist, storyteller and tutor working out of WASPS Studios in Hanson Street Dennistoun. Originally from rural South Lanarkshire in lowland Scotland I moved into Glasgow City in 2017 to be closer to my studio and now live in the City’s lovely West End.
I have a passion for kiln formed glass which I have been working with for the past 8 years. I use specialist art glass which is imported from the USA to create my own unique glass. Working with a limited colour pallet to create subtly and nuance within my work using glass sheets, frits, my own hand made glass lace, stringers and beads, along with traditional stained-glass paints, I create my own unique multi layered collages. The resultant glass is sculptural and highly tactile with abstract shapes and forms throughout. These handmade glass collages, which can take many days of adding layers and glass pieces to, along with repeated firings to perfect, are then moulded and shaped, cut up, re-fired and cold worked into deep formed vessels, small bowls, stained glass windows and applique glass panels. I also make my own unique range of wearable art in whatever theme I am currently working in.
All my work is based on spiritual themes and is the way I tell the stories and musings which arise out of my life of prayer, reflective silence and deep contemplation. Thus, I create art which has an ethereal meditative quality to it and speaks to the viewer. The final pieces seek to transcends exquisite craft to become quality fine art.
Latest Work:
My latest series of work is based on the theme of Living Water, inspired by my passion for the sea which I have been studying and videoing for many years. I create large deep formed vessels which take over 7 days to make with over 100 hours in the kiln. The vessels represent the inner being or spiritual aspect of our existence which is both tangible and intangible, hidden, known and yet is waiting to be discovered. They speak about the deep need we have to permit the living water in all its creative life-giving, healing flow to quench our spiritual thirst and portrays our inner being as a well or spring. The work invites us to uncap this inner well to enable spiritual concepts and redemptive qualities like love, faith, fresh vision, creativity and true spirituality to flow in and through us in life enhancing ways. It invites us to be cleansed and to let go of the past and the things which hold us back.
I love to work with Churches, Businesses, Designers and Individuals, so if you would like to commission a window, vessel or piece of glass art which has prophetic or spiritual quality to it and speaks to the viewer, do get in touch. I would love to create something special just for you.
My new work of large deep slumped, kiln formed vessels seek to transcends exquisite craft to become luxury fine art investment pieces and I welcome contact from Galleries with clients who collect unique handmade Scottish glass.
Art Installations:
If you would like a permanent or temporary art installation of vessels for your church or venue, to encourage your audience or congregation to contemplate the Living Water or the spiritual inner life, I would love to hear from you.